prostep ivip Symposium went virtual - and we want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone!
Over 1,000 registered participants from all over the world. Live contributions from our speakers from the ICS television studio in Stuttgart, but also from Japan and the USA. And lots of applause for a top-class cast, a wonderfully moderated and technically successful virtual event. We are still delighted and are infinitely grateful that we were able to experience this event with all of you. On this page you will find the presentations of the speakers as pdf for download as well as impressions of the live event "prostevp ivip Symposium goes virtual" on September 2nd. The video recordings of our presentations can be found on our youtube channel.
Thank you for a fantastic prostep ivip Symposium 2020 - and look forward to the upcoming symposium on 5 and 6 May 2021!